From fitness fanatics to industry leaders
It was in 1979 that Australia’s first national fitness training provider was conceived. The idea came when six fitness enthusiasts joined forces with a united goal to improve the quality of training programs and bring their full collective passions to the industry.
Since then, AIF has helped countless students get started in exciting new careers and become the gold standard of fitness and massage qualifications in Australia.

What it’s like to be part of the AIF team
While studying at AIF we aim to arm you with everything you need to launch your fitness career. Part of that involves providing world-class massage campuses, and a unique online learning experience.
At AIF we are proud to have the highest number of employed graduates in the industry. How do we do it? With an extensive range of Career Partners, regularly hosted F.I.R.E. (Fitness Industry Recruitment Expo) events, and exclusive access to Healthy People Fitness Recruitment site.

Learn why we do what we do
Just like you, fitness and massage is our passion. That’s why we want everything we do to be fresh, personable, ultra impactful, and, most of all, fun!
We’re here to make a fitness warrior out of you. Someone who is knowledgeable, capable, and totally ready to make a difference in your clients’ lives.

Get to know our people
We owe everything to working with some of the brightest talent in the industry.
Meet the amazing individuals that make our work possible or find out more about what it takes to become a part of the AIF team.