The Fitness Zone

Conquering the Elements: Understanding Environmental Impacts on Exercise

May 27, 2024 | by Ellyn Johnson

How well we perform during exercise and sport is influenced by a multitude of factors, including our training regimen, nutrition, hydration, and sleep quality. However, one often overlooked aspect is the environment in which exercise takes place – something I’m sure many of us haven’t considered. Environmental factors such as temperature, altitude, and humidity can significantly impact our ability to perform optimally during physical activity. In this article, we will delve into the effects of various environmental conditions on exercise performance, exploring strategies to mitigate their negative effects and maximise performance in challenging environments.


Do you live in Australia? Then it’s likely you’ve exercised in hot conditions! Heat is a common environmental factor that can have profound effects on exercise performance. The summer months in Australia can pose challenges to anyone wanting to maintain their fitness routine. For instance, athletes training for outdoor events like marathons, sports events, or outdoor boot camps may often find themselves facing the challenge of exercising in hot temperatures. Similarly, individuals who prefer outdoor runs, cycling, or hiking may encounter hot weather conditions during their training sessions. In such situations, the body’s ability to dissipate heat becomes crucial, and we need to implement strategies to stay cool and hydrated to maintain optimal performance.

When exercising in hot conditions, the body undergoes several physiological responses to maintain core temperature and sustain performance. As physical activity generates heat, the body increases blood flow to the skin’s surface due to vasodilation, facilitating heat dissipation through sweat evaporation. This process helps cool the body by transferring heat from the core to the skin, where it can be released into the environment. Additionally, the body’s thermoregulatory system activates sweat glands to produce sweat, which further aids in cooling through evaporative heat loss. As a result, heart rate increases to support elevated blood flow and sweating, and respiratory rate may also rise as the body works harder to maintain oxygen delivery to muscles while dissipating heat. Despite these adaptive mechanisms, exercising in hot conditions can still lead to dehydration, increased fatigue, and impaired cognitive function if proper hydration and cooling strategies are not implemented.

Several strategies can be used to mitigate heat’s effects on exercise performance. First and foremost, the obvious is hydration. Maintaining adequate fluid intake before, during, and after exercise is crucial for preventing dehydration and sustaining performance in hot conditions. Additionally, employing cooling methods such as ice vests, cold towels, or misting fans can aid in lowering body temperature and reducing thermal strain during physical activity. Another effective approach is acclimatisation (where possible), whereby the body is gradually exposed to hot conditions over time, leading to improved heat tolerance and enhanced performance in hot environments.


Humidity is another challenging environmental condition that deserves exploration, although it is closely linked with hot conditions. Humidity is defined as the amount of moisture present in the air. It plays a crucial role in exercise performance, particularly when combined with heat. Athletes participating in sports events or training sessions conducted in humid climates, such as tropical regions or during summer months, encounter the challenge of exercising in high humidity levels. For instance, tennis players competing in tournaments held in humid conditions, or soccer teams training in tropical regions, need to cope with the adverse effects of humidity on exercise performance. Similarly, individuals engaging in outdoor activities like beach volleyball, kayaking, or outdoor boot camps may face challenges related to heat and humidity. High humidity levels can hinder the body’s ability to dissipate heat through evaporation, thus increasing thermal strain and reducing exercise tolerance. In addition, humidity can exacerbate dehydration by impeding the body’s sweat production. We can do various things to combat the challenges posed by humidity. Firstly, and most obvious is maintaining adequate hydration. This is important in offsetting fluid loss caused by sweating. Additionally, choosing moisture-wicking clothing can facilitate evaporation and enhance cooling during physical activity in humid environments. Cooling methods such as ice baths or cold towels can also effectively lower body temperature and minimise thermal strain during exercise in humid conditions.


Cold temperatures can also impact exercise performance, albeit in different ways than heat and high humidity. Athletes (and anyone really!) who engage in winter sports or outdoor activities during colder months often confront the challenge of exercising in low temperatures. For instance, skiers, snowboarders, or ice climbers train and compete in cold environments where maintaining core body temperature becomes paramount. Similarly, individuals who enjoy outdoor activities like winter running, snowshoeing, or hiking may face the challenge of braving the cold weather conditions. 

Exercising in cold environments triggers distinct physiological responses aimed at maintaining core temperature and supporting performance. When exposed to cold temperatures, the body initiates vasoconstriction, narrowing blood vessels near the skin’s surface to conserve heat and prevent heat loss. This process redirects blood flow to vital organs and working muscles to maintain metabolic function and support physical activity. Additionally, shivering may occur as a mechanism to generate heat by increasing muscle activity. To counteract the increased energy expenditure and reliance on carbohydrate stores for fuel, the body may also increase metabolic rate. However, prolonged exposure to cold conditions can lead to reduced muscle function and joint stiffness, heightening the risk of injury if proper warm-up protocols are not followed. 

There are some simple strategies we can use to optimise performance in cold conditions. Firstly, layering clothing is recommended, as wearing multiple layers can help trap heat close to the body and provide insulation against the cold. Additionally, performing a thorough warm-up before exercise is crucial, as it helps increase muscle temperature and improve joint mobility, thereby reducing the risk of injury. 


This is an environmental condition you may not have considered before. Altitude, characterised by higher environmental elevations where the air becomes thinner, poses distinct challenges for exercise performance due to the decrease in oxygen availability. Athletes preparing for competitions or endurance events held at high altitudes, such as mountain running races, high-altitude cycling tours, or mountaineering expeditions, often need to train in environments with reduced oxygen levels. Similarly, military personnel or individuals participating in high-altitude trekking or adventure sports face the challenge of exercising in altitude settings. Training camps or expeditions conducted in mountainous regions require individuals to adapt to the physiological effects of altitude. At higher altitudes, the reduced atmospheric pressure leads to a lower partial pressure of oxygen, making it more difficult for individuals to obtain an adequate oxygen supply during physical exertion. This decrease in oxygen availability significantly impacts aerobic capacity, as the body’s ability to produce energy through aerobic metabolism is compromised. 

Exercising in high-altitude environments triggers a series of physiological responses in the body due to the decrease in oxygen availability. As altitude increases, the air becomes thinner, leading to a lower partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere, making it more difficult for individuals to obtain an adequate oxygen supply during physical exertion. In response, the body undergoes various adjustments to compensate for the reduced oxygen levels. Initially, respiratory rate and depth increase to increase oxygen uptake, while heart rate rises to maintain adequate blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. Over time (think weeks and months), the body produces more red blood cells to improve oxygen-carrying capacity, and blood vessels dilate to improve circulation. These adaptations aim to enhance oxygen utilisation and maintain aerobic performance at altitude. However, individuals may experience symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, as the body acclimatises to the oxygen-deficient environment. Supplemental oxygen or altitude training may be utilised to alleviate symptoms and improve exercise performance in high-altitude settings.

There is a well-known training model called ‘live high, compete low’. This model involves athletes living and/or training at high altitudes (1250–3000 m) where oxygen levels are lower and then competing at lower altitudes or at sea level where oxygen levels are higher (0–1200 m). Training at high altitudes stimulates physiological adaptations, as we’ve discussed above, such as increased red blood cell production, to compensate for the lower oxygen availability. These adaptations improve the body’s oxygen-carrying capacity and endurance. When athletes return to lower altitudes to compete, they benefit from these adaptations, experiencing enhanced aerobic capacity and performance. This strategy allows athletes to capitalise on the benefits of altitude training while minimising the potential drawbacks of competing at high altitudes, such as decreased performance due to lower oxygen levels.

So how might we mitigate these physiological effects of altitude? Gradual ascent is key, allowing the body to adjust gradually to the decrease in oxygen levels over time, thereby reducing the risk of altitude sickness and enhancing overall performance. Altitude training (training at higher elevations) induces physiological adaptations such as increased red blood cell production and enhanced oxygen utilisation, consequently improving aerobic performance even at sea level. Additionally, supplemental oxygen can be beneficial, particularly in alleviating symptoms of altitude sickness and enhancing exercise performance at high altitudes, ensuring individuals can perform optimally in challenging environmental conditions.

Environmental factors such as heat, humidity, cold and altitude can significantly impact exercise performance, presenting unique challenges for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. By understanding the effects of these environmental variables and implementing appropriate strategies to mitigate their negative effects, we can optimise our exercise performance and achieve our fitness goals regardless of the conditions. Whether training in hot summer weather, braving the cold of winter, ascending to high altitudes, or battling high humidity levels, preparation and adaptation are key to success in challenging environments. With proper planning, hydration, nutrition, and training, we can rise to the occasion and excel in any environment, pushing the limits of human performance and achieving new heights in our fitness journey.


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Ellyn Johnson

Ellyn Johnson

Ellyn is an Exercise Scientist specialising in youth Strength and Conditioning. She holds her Bachelor's degrees in Science and Exercise and Sports Science. She has previously worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for Academy level athletes at the Brisbane Lions Football Club. She has a background in Personal Training, coaching a range of clientele with diverse goals, including weight loss, body recomposition as well as recreational endurance athletes. In addition to her Strength and Conditioning experience, Ellyn currently works as a Learning Designer at the Australian Institute of Fitness. Here she works as a subject matter expert in the design and implementation of a range of health- and fitness-related courses and learning materials.

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Disclaimer: Where Certificate III in Fitness, Cert III/Cert 3, or Fitness Coach is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Fitness, Cert IV/Cert 4, or Personal Trainer is mentioned, it refers to SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Program™ is mentioned, it refers to Fitness Essentials and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Plus+ Program™ is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Massage or Cert IV/Cert 4 is mentioned, it refers to HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy. Where Diploma of Remedial Massage is mentioned, it refers to HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

