7 Days of Workouts to Get You Through Iso

Jan 28, 2022 | by Jess Hunter

COVID-induced isolation has been hard, especially if you’re an avid gym-goer or you resolved to make 2022 the year that you improved your fitness and wellbeing. If you’re in isolation (or find yourself there in the future) don’t stress, we’ve got seven days of movement to keep you active until you’re out of the house and back in the gym.

Of course, the fact that you’re in isolation may mean that you are actually feeling unwell – in which case, we hope you feel better soon, and please rest up and only participate in strenuous physical activity when you feel strong and healthy enough to do so. If you’re housebound due to being a close contact but have tested negative and feel fine, however, you may well be itching to get the blood pumping and muscles firing up!

Each day is ordered so you can put yourself in the best position to recover from each session in time for the next. Some sessions are more challenging than others, but that’s by design, and will enable you to gain greater benefits in the longer term. Remember, always listen to your body and go at your own pace – and don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t hitting your pre-iso highs straightaway – you’ll reach them again, and surpass them, when your body is ready.

OK, let’s go.

Day 1 – Sweat Sesh

Getting your heart rate up is the best way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and challenge your aerobic conditioning. Here’s a 5-exercise circuit to get your heart pumping.

Perform each exercise repeatedly for a total time of 40 seconds, and then take a 20-second rest to prepare for the next exercise.

After you’ve completed all 5 exercises, have a 1-minute rest. Grab some water, towel off your sweat and then start the circuit again.

Do 3-4 rounds of the circuit if you’re a beginner, and 5-6 if you’re looking for a more challenging session.

Exercise: 1 & 1/2 squats | Time: 40s | Rest: 20s

Instructions: Squat down as far as you can with good form, then as you stand back up, stop half way and lower back down again. Stand fully upright to finish the rep. Repeat.

Exercise: Bear Crawl Push-Up| Time: 40s | Rest: 20s

Instructions: On all fours (hands and knees) lift yourself so your knees are off the ground and you’ve got weight in your hands and toes.Crawl forward and after every 4 steps, do a push-up. Repeat.

Exercise: Staircase Step-Up | Time: 40s | Rest: 20s

Instructions: Using your staircase, bed or anything you can step up onto, alternate left and right leg step ups for time. Avoid pushing off the leg on the ground, keeping a focus on pushing through the elevated surface.

Exercise: Backpack Carry | Time: 40s | Rest: 20s

Instructions: Fill a backpack or shopping bag with books or anything non-fragile. Keeping your torso upright, carry the bag in one hand for 40s around the house or yard. Alternate between hands for subsequent rounds to ensure a well-balanced workout.

Exercise: Glute Bridge | Time: 40s | Rest: 20s

Instructions: You might know these as hip thrusts. Laying on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, push your hips to the ceiling by squeezing your glutes hard. Slowly relax and lower back to the ground before repeating.

Day 2 – Yoga Flow 

Day 2 is all about your mobility and stability. Jump onto YouTube or your favourite Yogi’s App and go through a flow in the morning and the afternoon. Aim for a practice lasting a minimum of 20 minutes. This will book-end your day with a recharging self-care practice that gets you off the couch and moving again.

Some of our favourite YouTube Channels:

  • Yoga with Adriene
  • Breathe and Flow
  • Alo Yoga

Day 3 – Isometrics

When you’re in isolation, you likely won’t have access to the heavier weights needed to stress your tendons and ligaments. Isometrics (exercises held in a stationary position) are great at challenging our tendons and ligaments, quick to recover from, and reduce pain around our joints, making them a brilliant choice of exercises for most people.

Exercise: Split Squat | Time: 30s | Sets: 2-3 | Rest: 1.5mins

Instructions: Very similar to the bottom of a  lunge, drop one knee to the floor behind you with the opposite foot on the floor in front of you. Push off the front foot and balls of the back foot so your back knee lifts off the floor.Hold this position (stationary) for 30s, then switch legs. If you can’t last 30s, then go as long as you can before swapping.

Exercise: Push-Up | Time: 30s | Sets: 2-3 | Rest: 1.5mins

Instructions: Lower yourself into the bottom of a push-up and hold this position (chest off the floor) for 30s or as long as possible. You can make this easier by having your knees on the ground.

Exercise: Feet Elevated Glute Bridge| Time: 30s | Sets: 2-3 | Rest: 1.5mins

Instructions: Laying flat on your back, elevate your heels using a step, shoe box or foam roller. Your knees should have a small bend in them. Squeeze your glutes hard then, pushing through your heels, lift your glutes off the floor. Hold this position for time.To increase difficulty, use only one leg.

Day 4 – Strength Day

With a focus on stressing the muscles, rather than the heart and lungs, this is a full body challenge!

Each movement should be executed with control; don’t race through them.

After you’ve completed all 5 exercises, have a 1-minute rest. Grab some water, towel off your sweat and then start the circuit again.

Do 3-4 rounds of the circuit if you’re a beginner, and 5-6 if you’re looking for a more challenging session.

Exercise: Backpack Squat | Sets: 4 | Reps: 8 | Rest: 1min | RPE: 7

Instructions: Squat down as far as you can with good form, holding a filled backpack at your chest. Stand fully upright to finish the rep. 

Exercise: Push-Up & Pause | Sets: 4 | Reps: 8 | Rest: 1min | RPE: 7

Instructions: Lower yourself into the bottom of a push-up and pause at the bottom position (chest off the floor) for 2s. You can make this easier by having your knees on the ground.

Exercise: Rear Foot Elevated (aka Bulgarian) Split Squat | Sets: 3 | Reps: 8 | Rest: 1min | RPE: 8

Instructions: Using your staircase, bed or anything you can place your back foot up onto, push off the leg on the ground, using the elevated foot/leg to assist your balance. Keep your torso upright as you lower.

Exercise: Backpack Bent Over Row and Press | Sets: 3 | Reps: 8 | Rest: 1min | RPE: 7

Instructions: Fill a backpack or shopping bag with books or anything non-fragile. With a slight bend in the knee, push your hips back so you’re parallel to the floor.Keeping your back flat, pull the bag to your belly button, stand tall and press the bag overhead. Then, lower the bag back to the belly button and return to start position.

Exercise: Bear Crawl | Sets: 3 | Reps: 10 up and back | Rest: 1min | RPE: 8

Instructions: On all fours (hands and knees) lift yourself so your knees are off the ground and you’re carrying weight in your hands and toes.Crawl forward for 10 steps,then go backward. Focus on small steps, keeping the back flat and bracing the midsection as tight as possible.

Exercise: Hamstring hip thrust | Sets: 3 | Reps: 10 | Rest: 1min | RPE: 8

Instructions: Very similar to a hip thrust. Laying flat on your back, elevate your heels using a step, shoe box or foam roller. Your knees should have a small bend in them. Squeeze your glutes hard then, pushing through your heels, lift your glutes off the floor. Slowly lower and repeat. To increase difficulty, use only one leg.

Day 5 – Sweat Sesh

Repeat the Sweat Session from Day 1 (see above).

Day 6 – Yoga Flow

Repeat the Yoga Flow from Day 2 (see above).

Day 7 – Isometrics

Repeat the Isometrics session from Day 3 (see above).

We’d love to see you break a sweat, so tag us (@ausinstfitness) when sharing on social media. 

Jess Hunter

Jess Hunter

Jess has spent the past 5 years in various roles within both the sporting and fitness industries, including working in semi-professional sport with the Shute Shield’s Gordon Rugby. Furthermore, Jess’ current role sees him as a Strength & Conditioning Coach for St. Aloysius College. Jess also runs his own Strength and Conditioning business, focusing on athletic development across a variety of sports. In conjunction, Jess is also passionate about coaching the next wave of Personal Trainers, ensuring that we continue to push the boundaries of the Fitness Industry.

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Disclaimer: Where Certificate III in Fitness, Cert III/Cert 3, or Fitness Coach is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Fitness, Cert IV/Cert 4, or Personal Trainer is mentioned, it refers to SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Program™ is mentioned, it refers to Fitness Essentials and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Master Trainer Plus+ Program™ is mentioned, it refers to SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness. Where Certificate IV in Massage or Cert IV/Cert 4 is mentioned, it refers to HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy. Where Diploma of Remedial Massage is mentioned, it refers to HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

