HIIT Happens

AUD $29.40


Christine Kusznir





Course Type

Network Original

Course Overview

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions have become increasingly popular and there’s a stack of research behind the benefits, adaptations and progressions of including HIIT into your or your client’s program. This course will outline the science behind the principles of HIIT, why and how it works, and examples of how to design a workout based on these principles. We will also go through programming HIIT into you or your client’s week, and strategies and guidelines to ensure HIIT workouts are safe and effective. HIIT happens, and this is how we deal with it!

Learning Outcomes

  • What is HIIT
  • Energy systems
  • Muscle fibre types
  • EPOC effect
  • The benefits of HIIT training
  • Managing risks of HIIT
  • How to design a HIIT workout
  • Programming HIIT workouts in your week

About the Author

Christine Kusznir is a Les Mills Group Fitness Instructor and a Coach at the Australian Institute of Fitness Adelaide Campus, SA, Australia, where she prepares individuals for the health and fitness industry by coaching them through Certificates III and IV in Fitness qualifications. She is also a registered and current secondary school science, maths and VET teacher.

After studying a Bachelor of Science, Christine worked for 8 years in a Cereal Grain Biochemistry Laboratory at the University of Adelaide and during this time pursued her other passion in fitness and studied Certificate IV in Fitness at the Australian Institute of Fitness. Over the past 8 years, Christine has trained in Les Mills BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP, SPRINT and RPM. She currently teaches all four programs in clubs around Adelaide.

Christine’s other experiences include managing group fitness at several Goodlife Health Clubs, presenting at national and international Les Mills events, and even teaching group fitness on a Mega Luxury Yacht! Christine is also a Les Mills National Presenter for RPM and a Reebok Sponsored Athlete.



CECs/CPDs | Access Period

CEC Expiry Date: 13/01/2026.

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