Nouri Groom


Nouri is a visionary leader deeply entrenched in the realm of innovation. He steers teams towards a united vision and goal with a steadfast commitment to operational excellence and unparalleled efficiency. His strong foundation in accounting and finance is complemented by a passion for advancing the Australian Institute of Fitness (AIF) to new heights, ensuring it consistently delivers exceptional value to students.

Committed to fostering the ultimate educational experience, Nouri dedicates himself to equipping students with knowledge and skills that exceed current industry standards. He prepares them for the cutting-edge fitness innovations of the future. His mission is to position the AIF as a beacon of excellence, producing industry-ready fitness professionals who set the benchmark for the fitness landscape.

Recognising the dynamic future landscape, Nouri strategically incorporates elements such as artificial intelligence (AI), gamification, and evolving learning environments. This ensures that AIF remains at the forefront of education and training in the fitness industry.

Before becoming the CEO in 2023, Nouri served as the Head of Finance and Administration for over four years. His unwavering dedication to enhancing the health and well-being of Australians drives him to champion excellence in fitness education and the broader Fitness Industry.


  • Mini MBA, Business Administration and Management, General, Australian Institute of Management
  • Bachelor of Business, Finance; Ext Major in Funds Management

Tip for AIF students

Balance your business acumen with continuous learning in fitness. Keep up with emerging trends and technologies to enhance your services. Remember, success in fitness is not just in client numbers, but in the positive impact you make on community health and well-being.

You’ve met the team, now take the challenge

Study at the Australian Institute of Fitness with the people who set the standard. Enquire now to speak to our friendly careers team.

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