Legal Essentials for Fitness Professionals in Australia

AUD $53.40


Cory Sterling





Course Type

Network Original

Course Overview

You don’t know what you don’t know about the law as it relates to operating as a fitness professional, right? The goal of this course is to explain, in a practical and FUN manner, the legal basics as it relates to operating as a fitness professional.

The content of this course has been produced by Cory Sterling, lawyer and founder of Conscious Counsel, with years of experience in the legal industry and hundreds of clients internationally. Learn about simple and preventable mistakes fitness professionals often make with the law. Grab a snack, be open to learning and get ready to protect and grow your business properly.

Learning Outcomes

  • The basics of the legal landscape of operating as a fitness professional in Australia
  • What areas of law you need to be aware of and a basic understanding of how each applies specifically to fitness professionals
  • What you must do to operate your fitness business at best legal practises
  • The most common and simple mistakes you can avoid making

About the Author

Cory Sterling graduated “First in Class” with a Juris Doctorate from Bond University in Queensland, Australia and went on to work with multiple law firms for two years, prior to founding his online global law firm, Conscious Counsel. In 2019, Cory wrote and published the book, “The Yoga Law Book: Legal Essentials For Yoga Professionals” received positively by the industry.

Conscious Counsel offers heart-leading legal services to fitness professionals around the world and is on a mission to make law FUN. Specialising in the health and fitness industry, Cory and his team have helped hundreds of industry professionals internationally with business and legal services, designed with the ‘heart-leading’ entrepreneur in mind. With 278 5-star Google ratings, Conscious Counsel continues to provide expert guidance for fitness professionals looking to start and maintain their own business today.

Sharing in the passions of his clients, Cory is, and has been, a fitness enthusiast his whole life, having worked as a fitness instructor for years leading cycle, yoga and group fitness classes. His dream was always to permanently travel the world which is something he has done and will continue to do!



CECs/CPDs | Access Period

CEC Expiry Date: 30/01/2026. In order to obtain AusActive CECs, this course must be completed by the CEC Expiry Date.

Ready to start learning? Click below to get started.

